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SWAT Health

About SWAT

Moving Forward, Together


SWAT Health is a health and wellness company that provides curated care with a cutting-edge blend of training and treatment, energizing our clients through in person sessions and elevating the health and fitness community through education.

Redefining Health – Integrated Assessment


A team of experts weigh in on foundational movements to curate the optimal movement strategy to facilitate optimal results. The gold standard in movement assessment.


We are an industry leader in movement-based training, education and therapy. Providing multi-platform service for clients and other industry professionals striving for greatness.

We provide dynamic movement based
solutions to movement based problems.

SWAT health provides training, therapy, and education to our clients through an inclusive and nurturing approach.

Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 19:00

09:00 – 17:00

Sunday Closed

Our socials